
Scented Villain Dice by Baron Smellybones

Created by Studio Woe

A carefully curated collection of exquisitely scented dice with villainous fragrance that stays perfectly potent for years!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Hours! Stretch goals Unlocked!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 05:21:14 PM

Thanks everybody for an absolutely awesome campaign. We are in the final hours and we have well exceeded the goals that we had. I am super excited to share these dice with you. Because of your support we have been able to unlock a stretch goal where the Villain that is named the "King of Halloween" will get a digital download of their lore, as well as a low-level stat block in for 5e RPG systems. Up next is a stretch goal for a quest line to introduce the villain and their nefarious schemes!

But how does a villain become the King of Halloween? Simple! Just vote for your favorite villain on our Discord server at, If you are feeling super enthusiastic about your candidate you can also vote again by explaining why you think a villain would make a good King of Halloween on the Story-Snippets section of the Discord server, and you can now vote an additional time by posting fan-art of your favorite villain in the art channel. 3 ways to vote for the villain of your choice! When the campaign closes at 11:59pm Halloween night we will tally up the votes and and crown our champion. 

These rewards will be shared exclusively with combo tier backers, so please help us spread the word and share the glory of scented dice! And thanks again for all of your support in making our hobby a little more fun!

-Brent Critchfield, Design Director, Studio Woe, LLC

Introducing Stretch Goals!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 06:06:45 AM

With the race to crown the King of Halloween underway, it is time to add a bit more incentive for the winner! We will be introducing stretch goals that will add digital perks that give more depth to the villain that is crowned the King of Halloween!  

The first stretch goal is Villainous Lore that will provide narrative texture to the Villain as well as stats for a low-level encounter with the villain before the final epic-level showdown! This reward will be given as a free digital download to all backers at the Combo Tier and above! 

Which villain would you like to learn more about? Head to the Discord channel at and announce your preferred winner in the General chat Tab. You can also vote a 2nd time by going to the Story-Snippets section of the Discord and writing a brief anectdote about your preferred villain! 

A Huge Thank-You! Let's Crown the King of Hallowen!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 08:19:47 AM

Thank You For Funding Our Dream

Dear Smellybones Community,

What an amazing start to a campaign! Thanks to your incredible support, we are fully-funded and we hit our funding goal in just 30 minutes! 

Your enthusiasm for Baron Smellybones Scented Dice is stunning, and we could not be more thrilled. Not only does your support make this project possible, but it fuels our drive to make to make it as awesome as possible, and make more cool things in the future!

It is hard to express how grateful we are for your support. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for believing in us and joining in this journey.

Best Wishes 

Brent Critchfield: Design Director 

Studio Woe, LLC

As a way of saying thank you we are going to Crown the King of Halloween! We are going to hold an election to see which fearsome villain takes the crown! As a free gift to all backers we will create a 5e stat block for an epic level boss-fight based on the winning villain and share that .pdf with all of you!

Voting is super simple just go to our Discord community at and voice your opinion on which villain should be the King of Halloween in the general chat. When our campaign closes on Halloween night we will tally up the votes and crown the victor! Throughout the campaign we will add additional ways to vote. 

Best of luck to the candidates and may the best monster win!